Help to a fledgling? Please?
(too old to reply)
Vivianne Tau
2016-09-28 20:43:43 UTC
Hello peeps! I need help really bad.

You see I've always been quite fond of the goth subculture, even when I was only 10 or something. A decade later, after realizing that it wasn't just a phase and as a matter of fact I do want to become part of it, I want to make a style transition to a gothier look myself but I want it to be a bit baby steps (not anything too obvious for the very beginning, something slightly subtle and classy and I'll make it gothier as time goes by). So, any ideas? Anyone? Thanks in advance!
2016-09-29 05:07:47 UTC
Check out Gothic Charm School -- she gives great advice for just such questions, and reading the archives can be very helpful :)

Most importantly -- there is no One True Way, other than what works and feels right for *you* :)


-- Ashbet

~*I am the Angel of Death with amphetamine eyes
I'm the sinking feeling in between your thighs*~
Vivianne Tau
2016-09-29 13:17:26 UTC
I had already read pretty much most if not all of the archives (I did some pretty deep research). I do have a black tank top in my closet and ripped blue jeans, would that be slightly gothic or would I look like a mere poser?
2016-09-30 08:53:01 UTC
Post by Vivianne Tau
I had already read pretty much most if not all of the archives (I did some pretty deep research). I do have a black tank top in my closet and ripped blue jeans, would that be slightly gothic or would I look like a mere poser?
Blue jeans‽ *staples hand to forehead*

Really, it doesn't matter a huge amount. I tend to just cycle through my
library of goth band t-shirts and black skinny jeans.
Except at work. Then I wear a labcoat as well.

- a black one, of course. I recently got away with wearing New Rocks
as "safety boots".

2016-09-30 15:48:18 UTC
Post by Vivianne Tau
I had already read pretty much most if not all of the archives (I did some
pretty deep research). I do have a black tank top in my closet and ripped
blue jeans, would that be slightly gothic or would I look like a mere poser?
Don't worry about being a "poser" -- that's the kind of thing that other people sometimes say to try and tear you down. If you're authentically expressing YOUR OWN style, rather than blindly copying someone else's, you aren't a poser.

(And even if you see a style you really like, and try to re-create it, that STILL doesn't make you a "poser" -- the only validation that you need is your own, not anyone else's. Which includes Nice Strangers On The Internet like us, in the end -- you're welcome to ask for advice, but nothing we tell you should override your *own* style, preferences, likes, or dislikes.)

Black jeans are more stereotypically Goth than blue jeans -- but many of us do own a pair or two of dark-blue jeans, for style or necessity. (I do, for the record, although my two favorite pairs of black jeans get the most wear.)

If you're wearing a simple outfit like jeans and a tank, there are a few ways that you can introduce elements of Goth style -- have fun with any or all of them, and come up with your own ideas, too:

1) Dye your jeans! Even a moderate black-wash can look good, just follow the dye instructions. You won't get a deep, dark, solid black like you would from storebought black jeans, but you can get pretty good results with DIY dyeing.

2) DIY (do-it-yourself) has long been part of the Goth and punk aesthetic -- you can decorate your jeans with slashes, safety pins, patches, embroidery, etc.

3) Accessorize! There are plenty of times when I leave the house in black jeans and a tank top or t-shirt . . . but I'll layer silver necklaces and black rubber bracelets, or wear an awesome pair of boots, or even in the dead of summer, my favorite pair of sandals is a black slightly platform-ed pair with silver buckles.

4) Makeup!! Makeup is the lowest-commitment form of changing your appearance. Try using heavier/darker eye makeup, and check out the new fall crop of dark lipsticks (MAC has some great ones this year, or go to Sephora and find out which colors look good with your skintone.

BTW, Goths don't have to *be* white or pale, and you don't need to make yourself *look* white or pale if that isn't your normal skintone. There are plenty of Goths of color, and lightening your skintone is only one of many appearance options. (The idea that you can't be a Goth without lily-white skin is racist and gross. Whatever skin tone or racial background you have is *just fine*, and you're the only person who gets to decide whether you're happy with your skin as-is, or if you want to wear makeup that changes your skin color.)

5) Hair! I don't know how old you are, or whether you're in school or working -- depending on your circumstances, there are a lot of ways to make your hair look awesome, some of which are low-commitment (hairspray and teasing, temporary dye, braiding in some extensions yourself, adding feathers or chains or a spiked headband), others of which require a longer-term commitment (bleach and permanent dye, a full head of professional extensions, streaks or a dyed under-layer, shaving parts of your head.)

The reason I ask about age and employment is that it's important to make sure that you don't wind up out of a job (or dealing with trouble at home/school) because you didn't pay attention to the dress/appearance code. Now, don't get me wrong -- you don't have to adhere to it slavishly, plenty of us defied dress codes -- but it can also be somewhat serious, and it's worth looking into without making a commitment that you can't take off with your clothes.

7) This list is just off the top of my head -- the most important thing is that *you* feel inspired, and that you work with your own creativity to create a look that you're happy with. This scene, while it may look like a lot of identically-black-clad people from the outside, is all about individualism, personal style, and self-expression.

Cheers, and good luck!

-- Ashbet

~*I am the Angel of Death with amphetamine eyes
I'm the sinking feeling in between your thighs*~
2016-10-18 18:22:38 UTC
Post by Vivianne Tau
I had already read pretty much most if not all of the archives (I did some
pretty deep research). I do have a black tank top in my closet and ripped
blue jeans, would that be slightly gothic or would I look like a mere poser?
I don't actually have anything to add beyond that it was lovely to pop
in here and find a thread like this to read. And, i second Ashbet's
recommendation of dyeing jeans. Overdying blue jeans a color like
purple or red or grey could be really cool.

"I threw the pearl of my soul into a cup of wine."
--Wilde, De Profundis